Using twelve stanzas, write a poem about each month of the year.

Through the Year

January starts cold and silent,

The events of the past year are forgotten.

Snow storms can be a little violent,

People are shut in homes, locked in.

February, the month meant for love,

But most people feel alone.

Praying to the God above,

To give them one they can call home.

March is usually a forgotten month,

Not quite Winter nor Spring.

It wishes to be remembered just once,

Maybe even be the king.

April is known for all the flowers,

It’s when the earth wakes from sleep.

It is also the time for rain showers,

When the skies start to weep.

May, the month when summer feels near,

But has not announced its presence yet.

It brings with it the closing of the school year,

Super excited the children get.

June, the month in the middle,

Doesn’t have anything super special.

People enjoy it more than a little,

Basking in Summer’s potential.

July holds our nation's day of birth,

A celebration every year.

The sky lights up with fireworks,

All the people cheer.

August, kids savor the last of their break,

A little sad to see it come to an end.

So many memories they will make,

Older to younger, advice they start to lend.

September, school starts up again,

Children are eager to see their peers.

Kids meet up to see their friends,

Like they have been away for years.

October, the month of fear and fright,

A great time to give a good scare.

Days end early with fading light,

Darkness comes cold and bare.

November, the month of many thanks,

With family is where you spend your time.

Football teams start their ranks,

People place bets on a dime.

December is where our year will finish,

With joy and family nearby.

On the last day you make a wish,

And hope your luck runs high.

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