Without describing exactly what you see, write a story, poem, or descriptive paragraph which conjures this image.

Devils Home

Walking through the forest, misty like a mirror post shower Thick fog lay the ground, cannot see even a flower A gaping darkness radiates eastward, I walk towards it, just as a beast would The cave is deep, somehow obvious from its exterior I slowly enter its jaws, clenching my posterior Uneven ground grasping for a twisted ankle, Sharp jagged rocks looking for hands to mangle, The cool temperature saving me from being impaled By shark tooth like icicles flying through the air Echos louder than the footsteps is all you can hear Drawn deeper and deeper and feel limitless fear Well expired rotten flesh, but keep walking further and you’ll see fresh Meat and bones now coating the interior like a flegmy throat, this must be the devil and his goat I cannot stop advancing to my obvious death, somehow still feeling fear although I know I’ve been best I see the devil, so powerful and wise, His decrepit lair to him is just fine, Walk near this cave and you’ll see why you cant stop walking towards your own demise
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