Typical weekday for Mia


Mia wakes up before the sun has even begun to touch the sky. She likes to spend her mornings alone, slowly getting ready for the day. She takes a super hot shower, listening to her favorite playlist. The second she gets out she pours her first cup of coffee. She takes care to complete her skin care routine, curl her hair, and perfect her makeup. Her boyfriend wakes right about the time she goes to the closet to get her outfit for the day. She dresses in something professional and heads to the kitched to grab breakfast. She’ll stop on her way to feed her cat. Breakfast is usually something she can eat in the car (bar or smoothie etc.). She takes a cup of coffee to go, grabs the lunch she packed for herself, grabs her coat, kisses her boyfriend goodby, and heads go the garage. She has a 30 minute drive to work and typically listens to a podcast or audio book on the way. She pulls into her work parking lot about 5 minutes late, heads up to her office to settle in. Work is pretty typical, managing apartments isn’t all that exciting. She always stops for an hour at 1pm to eat her lunch and possibley drive over to Caribou for her 3rd coffee of the day. She likes her job and works hard during the day to stand out in her performance. She has been in her company for less than a year, and is already on track for her second promotion. She’ll sometimes work a bit past 6, but tries not to. She’ll hop in her car and make the 30 minute drive back to her apartment. When she arrives, she will stop in the community clubhouse to change and use the use the gym studio available. Her workout is usually about 40 minutes, but it always seems to take her a full hour to get back home. She she arrives, her fiancé is always home, on the sofa watching something on TV. She greets him, puts her things away, and begins dinner. Her fiancé likely ate already-she’s vegan so they rarely eat together. She’ll whip up something easy, and join him on the sofa where they will watch one of their shows together. They can will come and join them, and the 3 of them will snuggle up on the sofa until precisely 10pm. The two of them will head to the bathroom together to do their nighttime routines and get ready for bed. They always go to bed at the same time. Rest their heads on the pillow, and get ready to do it all again tomorrow.


Mia wakes up laughably early. She likes to take a few minutes to herself to brush her teeth and start the coffee before waking up the kids. He husband comes down about her 3rd sip of coffee to start getting breakfast ready. They kiss each other good morning and she heads upstairs to wake up the kids. She gets them up and dressed and sends them downstairs to have breakfast. She will then head to the batheroom to get herself ready. She doesn’t have a lot of time, so she will quickly wash her face, pull back her hair, and put on some makeup. When she comes back downstairs, the kids are putting on their shoes, backpacks loaded, lunch boxes in tow, and bellies full. She grabs her things, and a breakfast to go, kisses her husband goodbye, and heads to the garage to load up the kids. They all drive to school together, listening to tunes, singing loudly together the whole way. When they arrive, she heads to her classroom to set up, and the daughters wait with her for the bell to ring so they can head to their own classrooms. Work is typical, She teaches reading, writing, and math to her 2nd grade class until it’s time for them to go home. Her daughters will come to her classroom and ready while she wraps up her day-planning for tomorrow and grading papers. She heads home around 4pm, making the short drive with her worn out kiddos in the backseat. When she gets home, it’s snacks for everyone. Her husband won’t be home until 6:30, so she helps her oldest with homework, and sends them upstairs to (hopefully) play nicely with each other. She always says she’s going to get some housework done before dinner, but usually ends up stealing some time for herself, reading or checking up on her social media accounts. She’ll start dinner around 6-something easy and kid friendly. Her husband comes home just in time to grab a quick kiss, check in on the girls, and have dinner with the family. They eat and laugh and talk about their days. After dinner, they all snuggle up on the couch for exactly one episodee of a TV show before bathtime. While Mia gets the girls ready for bed, her husband will clean up the kitchen and lock up the house. After they kiss the girls good night, they ready themselves for bed, snuggle up in their bed and watch tv before falling asleep.

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