Pep Rallies—Mostly Homecoming Ones

This Afternoon

The moment I stepped through the gymnasium doors, I thought it was going to be like our last pep rally. Short and small, with the disgustingly loud rap music bursting through it all, along with cheerleaders and dancers basically dancing like grown women. (If you know what I mean.)

But then, as I sat down with my three friends, something shifted.

You see, I’m a freshman at my highschool. It’s already crazy to begin with, (Like guns and knives and fights in the first month crazy.) so I’m used to stuff like that. But. OH. MY. GOSH.

The music was ten times LOUDER, like, louder than what I put my headphones on. It seemed that the cheerleaders outfits shrank even more! I’m not saying it’s a bad thing though, all I saw were their butts…they were facing away from me, okay! I’m not what you think I am.

Anyway, where was I, oh yes! I didn’t know half the songs, until the classic Black family reunions came on (I admit, I was singing my heart out—horribly). But other than the music and stuff, man! Let me tell you, those homecoming ladies were GORGEOUS!

I gotta find out what dresses they wore, not the fuzzy ones, but OMG. I wish I could plaster one on my wall.

My friends—I have three—we had a less than good time concerning with the MUSIC. That shit was so loud; I think they’re trying to make us deaf. But since our school is predominantly Black (yes I am Black, don’t cancel me) that that’s the trend. Now, I am what one would call an Oreo, (also a Japanese music listener) though I haven’t been called that in my lifespan and never wish to, so I don’t really understand. I didn’t know half the rap songs, Honey Bear and Diva (who are White) didn’t either. Emo seemed to know some, but she was on her phone.

Emo said that for homecoming, I was gonna be her escort. I mean, sure. She just has to get voted for (which probably isn’t going to happen, I’m not being mean, it’s just reality.) but I’ll help her if she does! We all had to shout to speak to each other—we all must have looked INSANE now that I think about it. We were giggling over stuff like a woman who’s butt was bigger than her head. Tug-a-war gone wrong when all the students decided to join in. A train line! And more people—teachers—rocking it out on the Wobble!!!

Would I do it again? Yeah, ig. It was…an experience.

One that I actually enjoyed for once.

And once I got out the gym, everything was…normal as it could be. Because Highschool is a different kind of universe in itself. Like hell and funland—we’re differences collide.

Our homecoming dance is tomorrow, and guess who’s going with her crew???

ME! And it’s a sneakerball! Thank goodness I don’t have to wear high heels!

Hope you have an amazing day and continue through anything you’re going through. Come on, it can’t be worse than it is right now, so keep on, keeping on! ❤️That’s what I’m trying to live on rn. Me and my friends—well Diva and I—are mentally unstable. 🙃 We’re all just keeping on!

Love you all—even if I don’t say it a lot. ❤️

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