Echo's Of Shadow's: A Soldier's Passage.

From the depths of war, I have emerged,

A soldier grown weary, my soul splurged.

In the silence of night, shadows whispering low,

I bear witness to the echoes that refuse to let go.

Across distant lands, battles fiercely fought,

From the ravaged coasts to the mountains, I sought,

The price of peace, bloodied fields of strife,

Through the chaos and despair, I fought for life.

But as I stand on this foreign shore,

The weight of memories, hard to ignore,

The faces of comrades, forever etched in my mind,

Their laughter, their courage, left behind.

The horrors we faced, etched in our souls,

The cries of anguish, the heartrending tolls,

The shattered families, the grieving kin,

I carry their burdens, their pain deep within.

War, sweet enemy of both foe and friend,

A twisted dance of destruction, it has no end.

Yet in its grasp, we sought fleeting moments of grace,

A glimmer of humanity in that desolate space.

Now I return, a soldier supposed to be whole,

Yet fragments of my being remain untold.

The images that haunt me, both day and night,

A reminder of the darkness we tried to fight.

But amidst the turmoil that dwells within,

I find solace, a strength that will begin.

To heal the wounds, to honor the fallen brave,

Their sacrifice a beacon, for humanity to save.

So as I stand here, amidst the echoes of shadows,

I carry their memory, like a flame that glows.

For it is not just my story, but a chapter untold,

Of countless soldiers, their spirits yet bold.

And though the battle may be over for now,

The war within, continues somehow.

Yet I will rise, find purpose in this strife,

For I am a soldier, the embodiment of life.

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