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Okay, this is how it all started. I was working on a my story on Google Docs and this large ad that took up most of the screen popped-up and said on it, “Fiction→Reality" start your free trial today." Like with most ads, I went for the teeny tiny 'x' in the corner, but somehow the computer was controlling the movement of my mouse on the screen. It happened so fast that I wasn't able to stop myself from clicking the ad and when I did my computer instantly blacked out and started making a weird humming noise that big electronics make when they get overheated. "Oh no, did I just download a virus." I said outloud to myself. Then about 3 minutes later the computer turned on reveling a bright blue screen with white letters that stated, "Look Behind You." so I did and what I saw amazed me.

The End --------------------------------

Just Kidding 😁

As I looked behind me I saw the characters from my stories I wrote in Google Docs.

The Original Gang consisting of Brainy, a 3 foot tall mutated brain with limbs.

Dumb Ninja, a ninja that seemed simple minded on the outside, but was actually a mastermind (sometimes) on the inside. Trashtalk, a 5,6 trash can with large eyes on the lid of it.

Marboy, a young boy that had been mutated into a marble with a brain.

Bird-man, who released a heavy glare my way, probably because of his horrible design of a man with wings for arms and a bird head.

Additionaly in the room could be seen a vast array of various characters a few of them being White Fire and young man with the power to conjure white flames.

Grey-Viper, a college student with radioactive powers.

Red, Yellow, Blue, primary colored superheroes each with an individual power of flight, laser vision, and water manipulation.

Furthermore, there were characters from my more realistic stories, Victor, Phoenix, Annie, and Lucy.

"Would you happen to be Aiden?" Brainy asks me being the leader of the Original Gang.

"Yes that is me... How did y'all get here?"

"Well I was jumping from train car to train car then I was suddenly transported here to this strange world." said Victor.

"Same here (replied Trashtalk), well not the train thing, but the sudden transportation between dimensions thing."

Then it hit me, it must have been that advertisment that said fiction→reality. After I explained the whole ad experience with them, one of my family members shouted from below, "Hey Aiden, this mai has your name on it!" So I told them to stay quiet in the room while I got the mysterious package from downstairs.

I picked it up from the table and read the top, From: Fiction→Reality to To: Aiden Black. 'It must be about the my characters coming to life's I thought as I suspensfully opened the letter. It read, To whom it may concern, by clicking our advertisement, you have approved a 24-hour free trial of Fiction→Reality that somewhat-legally allows your fictional characters to come to the real world using unknown elements originating from a classified mine in Russia. Have a nice day.

'Well that was concise,' I thought to myself. After sliding the letter into my left pocket, I went upstairs and told them about the letter.

They were both confused and joyous at the same time.

"This might only last 24 hours," I proclaimed, "but it will be the greatest time of my life.

Dramatic ending...

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