Magic Cart

“Anyone going to use their magic to help me out?” A grumpy trader called out exasperated. “Mine isn’t suited to this... task.”

The back wheel was hanging off the edge of the particularly narrow path. The rest of the cart was safely positioned on the path, the trader safe but angry. A small crowd was forming around the trader and her cart.

Zayn nudged me and I stumbled forward.

“Go on Mikey, maybe your magic will kick in if you push hard enough!” He leered and the small group began to laugh.

“You, boy! Get my cart back on the path,” the trader spat with a glare.

“Look, I’m sorry ma’am. My magic isn’t suited to moving objects.” I shrunk under the crowd and the trader, embarrassed and humiliated.

“What is your magic? Your friend over there seemed to think you could help,” she seemed more confused now, her stare now curious.

I awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. “My magic? It’s....problem solving..?” My voice came out weak and unsure as I mentally scolded myself. “I can see solutions quickly,” I sounded more confident this time.

“Problem solving, did you say nerd? I thought you were the only useless ones here. Why’ve you been keeping it quiet huh? Cos you’re lying!” Zayn was back at it again, guffawing and whispering to the others in the crowd.

“Well solve my problem kid, or get someone who can.” The trader scoffed and turned her back while chucking a small purse of coins up and down.

I glanced around wildly. There had to be something I could use lying around here somewhere. I spotted a large plank of wood propped up against a stall and ran up to the owner, asking quickly if I could borrow it for a second. I brought the plank over to the cart and began to slide the plank under the suspended wheel. The plank was long and sturdy, I balanced it carefully so it wouldn’t tip off the edge.

“Ma’am, could you possibly get in and try and move the cart forward?”

She spun round and looked the cart up and down. Wordlessly she walked forward and climbed into the cart and began to drive it forward. The small group looked on, all voices now hushed whispers. The cart smoothly drove back onto the path, all four wheels safely on land. The cart came to a halt and the trader climbed out, arm outstretched.

“Huh kid, suppose you were the right one for the job. Thanks.” With that she threw me a coin and climbed back into the cart, driving away to her destination.

Zayn and the group stared at me through wary eyes.

“Congratulations Mikey, for discovering your magic! I knew you were a late bloomer.” The town mayor walked out from behind a couple of horses, hat tilted and eyes gleaming. “We didn’t want to exile you, my dear boy! Time for celebration!”

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