Write a short story about two exes reconciling.
The Break Up
“I can’t do this anymore!!” Harry yelled at me.
“It’s not my fault your always flirting with other girls!!” Angry tears ran down my cheeks. I had had a crush on Harry ever since I was younger. I had always thought that we would last forever. I thought we were soulmates, but I guess I was wrong.
“Well it serves you right for being so clingy!!” Harry stomped the ground furiously. “I don’t get it! You were the one who asked me out first! Even if if I liked you, you took the first step!” I clenched me hand into fists.
“I’m done!!” Harry furious ran out of the room slamming the door as he went.
The moment he was out the room I my real emotions came over. I fell to my knees and cried until there were tears left.
I slow,y got up barely able to walk. I then collapsed onto my bed.
I cried and cried myself to sleep.
“May? Are you awake?” Rihanna my sisters voice woke me up.
“I’m awake” I pulled the covers of my bed and opened my window curtains.
The sun was shining brightly and I felt amazing.
Wait…..suddenly I remembered last night. I fell to the flour tears ran down my face.