Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
The Watchers
“This is it, grab your popcorn Ryline.”
My companion watched the end of a world with a little to much joy for my taste. I, on the other hand didn’t take joy in our called destiny’s. My companion, Taline must seen my facial expression.
He frowned at me. “Well if you’s aren’t going to enjoy the show. Least you can do is take some observations.”
Around us stars twinkled and shined from eons ago. The one part I enjoyed was the scenario. Even before I was a Doom Watcher, I’ve always again a great affinity to outer space and the wonders they held. Taline dragged me back to reality.
“Ryline, the end is here. Get your vision ready.”
I directed my attention to the small Asteroid in front of us, where a mental projection created by Taline was shown. See, that’s why he and I are partnered up. He can create projections and my mental link with the hive can cast the results to headquarters.
I closed my eyes and focused my messy mind. Upon opening them again, they flowed pure teal. My vision tinted to shades of teal and blue. Already feeling fatigued, since this was our fifth world of the day I looked to the projection.
Taline eagerly watched the scene unfold. “Hmm the ground shakes. What do think is coming? Sub creatures, aliens, maybe a natural disaster. I really hope it’s not a natural, that’s boring.”
I needed to shut up if he wanted a good cast. “Shhh, I need to focus!”
Taline threw up his hands. “My bad, do your thing.”
The world before me was definitely doomed. The sky was blood red, and a large winged beast flew towards a rising mount. Meanwhile, A gigantic and molten hand erupted from the mount. Lava flowed from the beings out stretched fingers.
Taline nodded to himself. “Ahh the classic deity fight. Poor mortals. What do think caused their scuffle?”
I knew he wouldn’t shut so I might as well answer.
“Could be a number of things. Power, land, people’s, maybe one is just pissy with the other one? It’s hard to say.”
The winged beast reached its long talons towards the hand. Now a wrist was seen spurting from the ground. What I assumed were humans ran from the inevitable collision between the Titans. Taline noticed what I just saw.
“Hmm there is an... aura radiating from the flying one. Wonder what that’s about.”
Sometimes it sounded like Taline was recording is first destruction.
“I think we’re about to find out.”
The molten fingers collided with the talons, instantly a wave of heated energy shot out from the collision. Incinerating all life besides the Titans. Both Titans pushed against each while the winged one roared loudly at the hand. It’s six, black eyes looked beyond the hand
“Definitely a power struggle. If not the winged Titan would have back off by now.”
Taline nodded in agreement when the end continued. The Winged Titan over powered the hand, pushing with force back into the fissure the Earth Titan created. In victory it flew on four wings and roared towards the sky.
Taline looked confused. “Well, that was lame. Where is the world ending part.”
I pointed to the ground. “It’s not even close to being over. Look.”
The ground shook and rumbles when a monstrous growl erupted part of the ground. Shooting rocks, dirt, and plant life into the air. The Winged Titan flew higher and eyed the ground. A molten leg shot into the air, ripping apart the ground covering it. In its wake, rivers of lava flowed to the surface. The Wiinged Titan couldn’t react last enough and was knocked towards the original fissure, when a arm shot out of the ground towards it.
The Winged Titan was slammed into the ground a long distance away from the Earth Titan. Finally, the Titan rose to its full height. Nearly reaching into the stratosphere. The Winged Beast flew into the sky to meet its foe. The same energy from before flew around it.
They viciously ran at each other, hate motivated them both. Their collisions created the an explosion of cosmic power, sending heat waves across the globe. The last thing the Watchers saw was both Titans staring each other down.
Tilane looked pleased. “Well damn.”
Even I whistled in appreciation. “Ha, damn indeed.”
Tilane out a hand on my shoulder. “Well brother, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Tilane teleported away. I was felt with mixed feelings.