Submitted by Inspiration
Write a story that features a festival.
A scene could take place at a festival, it could be part of a conversation, or a smaller part of a story.
The Festival
I didn’t want to go to the festival. I wanted to stay home and read my newest book but my friend Sam insisted that I go. She practically dragged me to the festival insisting that I will have fun and that “I need to get out of the house” I rolled my eyes but went along.
The festival was loud and crowded. People were pushing and shoving their ways to food stands and rides and games.
“Can we go home, I’ve already been stepped on five times and we’ve only been here for a minute” I whined. Sam rolled her eyes and pulled my arms.
“Come on Katie you can’t just spend you’re entire time reading, you spend all day reading about adventure, why don’t you have a real adventure” Sam said. I glared at her
“And exactly what adventure can I have at a festival where everyone keeps pushing me and stepping on my feet” I demanded. Sam thought about it for a while
“Picture this, we’re just having fun playing games and everything when someone jumps you, you get annoyed and all but you look up and see him” I shook my head. Sometimes she was more delusional then I was but we were friends for a reason
“Him?” I asked.
“Your soul mate” Sam said her eyes lighting up. I couldn’t help but smile.
“I don’t I’ll meet my soul mate” I said. Sam looked at me with her pleading eyes,begging for me to stay.
“One hour, you have one hour and then I’m going home” Sam jumped
With joy clapping her hands together.
“Yay! I promise this is going to be amazing” she said. Sam wanted to go on rides first and of course she chose the fastest ride at the festival. Sam had always had a wild strike but that’s something we didn’t share. While she went on again I was throwing up in the bushes.
“You don’t look so good” I looked up expecting to see Sam but instead there was a man, maybe a little younger then me. He held out his hand for me to take
“You should sit down” he said. He guided me to the bench and I felt glad to be sitting for a while. He went to go and get me some water. We talked, his name was Adam and his blue eyes sparkled in the festival lights. I started to feel better.
“So, are you here alone” he asked.
“No, my friend Sam is here. She’s on the ride” I said pointing to the twister ride. The ride was ending and people were spilling out. Sam came out grinning wildly. It took a moment for her to spot me and she started laughing as she walked up to us.
“Hey, who’s this cutie?” Sam asked plopping down next to us.
“Adam “ I said. We started taking again and we ended up going on more rides, a tad more calm. Sam wanted to go on the Ferris wheel. Adam and I ended up in one seat while Sam rode with someone else who she made friends with in line. After about a minute the ride stalled out. It wasn’t a complete cliche, we weren’t on top or anything but it gave us more time to talk.
“I’m really glad I ran into you” Adam said he smiled. I felt myself blush.
“Me too.”
The ride got going. We went to the games next. Sam ended up winning a goldfish and a small teddy bear. Adam won a panda bear and offered it to me.
“I’d look pretty silly showing up with a panda bear around the guys” he said when I first refused. I didn’t want the night to end up all too soon we were saying goodbye to Adam.
“Sooooo?” Sam asked as we walked to the car.
“Okay, you were right. I’m glad you dragged me to the carnival” I said. Sam smiled.