Write a story from the perspective of a fairy-tale character after their ‘happily ever after’.
This doesn’t have to be limited to princesses, but could be other fairy tale protagonists such as Red Riding Hood or the Three Little Pigs.
The Last Smart Pig
(This story is based on the story I heard as a teen)
After the wolf was cooked alive, after his brother’s death he was all alone and he wanted peace after all that has happened. Their mother came by and w wept at the carnage the wolf had brought. “you are alive right now because of your hard work but your Brothers valued play over hard work and now they’re gone. Please no longer blame yourself” The Mother said as she gave a great big hug to the last pig.
After some time the smart pig started looking for companionship and found himself a nice wife he had all the time in the world to play and play he did.
The end