“Ma’am are you okay?” Carey chuckled at the question. She was covered in blood and had a nasty gash at her left temple.
Write a story with this as the first line
The Clinic
"I have clean clothes at home." Carey replied. "Yeah, but your head is bleeding. I need to call for help." said the young woman who just finished locking up the antique store on 109 street.
Carey, looking frail, and about 70 years old grabs the young woman by the wrist and stares at her for a few seconds before whispering "You call no one."
"You're hurting me!" says the young woman.
Carey just laughs.
The young woman struggles. "Let go!"
Her hand turns purple, then blue. Bleeding at the wrist, she smacks Carey over the head with her free hand. "AAAAHHHHHH" Carey squeals and falls to the ground.
The young woman starts running, before bumping into a tall man; a man taller and wider than any man she's met at university. Her face slams into his leather jacket that reeks of cigarettes. "You have to help me." She says. "An old lady just attacked me back there, I think she's ill! She-she was covered in blood!" Pointing at nothing behind her.
"Come with me." He says. "What's your name?"
"Hi Hailey. You know, that's one of the funniest pick up lines anyone's ever used on me. You live around here?"
"That wasn't a pickup line - I'm serious. Look!"
She shows him her bleeding wrist.
"Oh, wow. Bad day at school? Did you get into a fight with your boyfriend?"
"No!" she yells. "It was the old lady, you're not listening! You're no help. Goodbye."
Hailey keeps running, taking turns through residential areas.
She tries pulling out her phone to text for help, but in pulling it out, throws it a few feet in front of her - cracking the screen as it bounces into a puddle between the sidewalk and the road.
"No!" Hailey sighs loudly in disbelief.
"Ma'am are you okay?" She hears from behind her.
It appears to be Carey, cleaned up with no wound on her head anymore.
"My sister ran off, I think she's hurting people."
"Stay away from me!" Hailey yells.
Noticing Hailey's wrist, she gasps "My god! Did she do this to you? Carey? We're twins. She escaped the clinic."
"What clinic? Yes I saw her when I was finishing up my shift at the antique store." replies Hailey
"The antique store?" Carey's twin asks
"Yes the one on 109 street."
"We used to live in the basement suite of that place, before they turned it into an antique store." says Carey's twin.
"She had blood everywhere, she said she had clean clothes at home. Do you think that's what she was referring to?" Hailey asks.
"Yes. We have to go help her. I'm Geri, by the way."
Hailey and Geri search for Carey far and wide on their way to the antique store.
"GERI!" Carey yells
"Carey? What happened?"
"The clinic! They wanted me to do tests. I said no. They said I had to."
"What kind of tests?" Hailey asks.
"Physics, trigonometry, algebra. My brain exploded."
"OK, but my wrist?"