An arrogant and rude boy has to spend the day with his kind, elderly neighbour.
Be descriptive with your characters and behaviour, and try to highlight their differences. Is there anything they can learn from each other?
-This is my original story, I accidentally uploaded it to another account because I signed in with my email instead of my apple id-
Joel couldn't even begin to wonder why Maise asked him to watch her dad. An old, dementia-ridden sap who never shuts up about the tons of plants in his house. Joel wasn't into plants. Joel was into picking fights with people and laughing when they recoil back. But Maise is his friend, and Maise would probably kill him if he did anything to her father. But even if he were to do anything mean, well, he doesn't really think ol' John would even notice. Joel could call him something rude, and he would recoil, but then he would forget about it the very next moment. But he's on babysitting duty for the next eight hours, and he won't let this old man die.
"So, young man, what do you like to do for fun?"
Joel scoffed. Small talk much? Whatever.
"Me? I like to playfight my siblings."
"That sounds like fun. I like to tend to my plants," John smiled. "And I like it when dear Maise talks me on a walk."
"Sounds fun." Joel rolled his eyes. Kind of a lame response, he thinks. But, older people never really have hobbies do they?
"And I like to play Magic the Gathering with Maise, sometimes."
Joel stuttered for a second. Magic? The Gathering? An old dementia ridden geezer plays Magic the Gathering? Joel chuckled lightly. Yeah, he may have in the past. But no way in hell he does now. He didn't even know Maise played that.
"Magic, huh? What's your team like?"
"Mostly just a bunch of over time damage dealers."
"Hey, nice, that's fun. I personally got a lot of dark and fire-heavy hitters."
John snorted, and the long plants gently blew next to him. The sun circled his face, highlighting the aged wrinkles in his skin. He looked at his hands and grinned.
"So young man, what do you like to do for fun?"