Submitted by The Stranger

'The wind blows my hair. I’m standing on the edge again.'

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Why Father?

The wind blew her hair as she stood on the edge again.

"Why again," she questioned, ginger hair flowing in the blissful winds. "Why me?" she questioned once again, brushing her finger tips together. Distant waves smashed alongside one another, tearing at their masses of water, leaving an uproar of water shooting into the skies. Iris stared, turquoise eyes locked onto the very tides beneath her. Liquids of sapphire slammed against rocks below, as if they were attempting to over throw its glory.

The girl took a step forward, gaining views of what lies further down, "I should've done something.."-she averted her glance-"if I had, maybe he wouldn't have done that." Trembling fingers caressed the girls face in slow motions as tears streamed from her shimmering eyes, ones bearing the beauty of an underground lagoon. In horrific seconds, the images flashed past her sights.

A taken soul

A man with goals

A forgotten home

A potential father

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