Inspired by Emira
Two people from warring kingdoms have fallen in love.
If you've ever wanted to write your own take on a classic romance trope, now's your chance. Which elements of this genre will you explore to make your story unique?
Diligence & Pride
**_There’d beena reason his father had given him the name Diligence a score and some years ago. Time and time again he’d proven quite deserving of the title; whether it’d been in his navigation of complex court matters or fleeting encounters with the people of his kingdom. A denizen who crossed paths with the prince knew to expect an acutely assiduous manner in addressing a matter of any scale. His grace had never failed him. Ever. It was only the pang of Lady Pride’s words that had robbed him of all certainty in that matter.
In hindsight, it was evident she’d never been quite charming per se. Lady she was but like one she did not behave. Her strides, long and heavy as if dragging them in treacle always carried laughter amongst the guards who watched her come and go. Other’s often put a stop to their conversations during supperto make room for her unforgiving laugh. One with a keen eye could sometimes catch Ellis, the lady’s only confidant, rebuking her for her crassness. Unfortunately for her she was met with Pride’s unyielding temper and unsettling glare.
Unafraid. Wild. Unyielding. Everything Diligence knew he would not, could not, be. Yet the heaviness between them had been inescapable since her arrival. It had nothing to do with the unceasing feud between their courts, and everything to do with the exchanged glances that often lasted slightly longer than neccessary. The way her gaze often trailed from his eyes, to his lips, and eventually right below his belt brought an undeniable surge of heat to the prince’s face. She’d always followed that with a look of disgust as if to balance out her innate desire; it didn’t fool him though. Diligence did not forget to return the gesture during the convocations held at Amber Castle. With her betrothed, Lord Temperance of Quest, always in attendance, the prince aimed to be discreet. However, it hadn’t taken long to notice how little mind the tepid man paid his lady. His lukewarm temperament painted a very unalluring impression despite the handsomeness of his features. Next to his wife Temperance was but a shadow. Lady Pride sucked all air out the room no matter who was there.
All of this came crashing down on the prince as he recalled the jabs she’d sent his way seconds ago. He’d came like a fool, seeking her out after hearing Lord Temperance was invited to dime with the nobles in Richmond. The town was a ways out, and he knew their return would come late.
_**** There is not a single part of me that desires you. ****_She’s yelled.
_****Not a fiber of my being that has ever considered you anything beyond an enemy. You hide like a coward behind your rank, behind your people. Their affections validate you; you work tirelessly to please them. Yet when have you ever placed such importance upon yourself? I have no need for a boy who makes sacrifices at his own expense. Now leave me be.****_
_****_ Pride sat there uncomfortably after vomiting up the words, shuffling in her seat as if fighting a parasite of regret. Oh yes, prideful she was. She’d never apologize nor cower at the sight of someone else’s pain or ire. Whether she meant the words didn’t matter; she would let him walk away and live quite alright despite his decisiom. It was for that reason precisely that Diligence did not abide by her command.
_****_ “I’m the coward? It is not I who is afraid of warmth, of closeness, of feeling. It is not I who scorns my own friend as she attempts to salvage what’s left of my petty reputation”
Anger was not an emotion dear to the heart of the prince, but in that moment something snapped. The Lady’s pine green eyes widened as he swiftly crossed the room, now but a breaths distance from her face.
“You envy me because I care. You hate that pride is not the ruler of my heart as it is yours. You envy the fact that I’m still here right now and you know I won’t leave until you’ve said your truth.”
_****_“What truth you imbeci-“
“THAT YOU LOVE ME!” He shouted.
“That you’re angry because since meeting me, since touching ground upon my kingdom you’ve felt nothing but contempt for your betrothed. For the way I am everything he is not, and for the way you know all well I’d give you everything he can’t.”
_****_“Do not speak of him like such. You do not know the man.”
_****_“Oh for Eve’s sake Lady Pride, do you believe me to be a simpleton? He is a safe choice. Lord Temperance is not one to bewilder you with his own ideals, nor is he one to challenge you.”
_****_“And how is this of any concern to you, prince? What does it matter what I want? What I deserve. We are of warring kingdoms, precisely how do you see fit we resolve this?”
The lady snapped her gaze away before Diligence could see her clearlysilver lined eyes.
“Before my arrival the kingdom operated quite fine. You’ll be glad to hear that upon my departure on the morrow all will be as was.“
Disbelief and defeat had engulfed the prince. A part of him knew the was of a complex manner, yet hope had feuled his efforts tonight. In that moment he’d realized he truly stood no chance against the lady’s icy veil.
“_****_I hadn’t know giving up came so easily to you, given the argumentative name you’ve built for yourself. No longer will I seek you out. Safe travels on your journey, I will not be in Amber upon your leave.”
_****_With ire filling his entire being Diligence took one last look at the lady he’d grown to love before turning to leave the room. Except when he attempted to do so, he felt her delicate hand grab his elbow and pull him back to her. Before the prince knew it Pride had clutched his collar, pulling him in tightly and planting her warm lips upon his. It felt as though all had ceased to exist in the brief whisper of time that the kiss had lasted. How they’d figure this out and what would come next for the two kingdoms melted away entirely. The prince had not known such bliss since his years as a child.
The taste of her was intoxicating, like black cherry and vanilla bean. She kissed him thoroughly, intentionally, and he made sure to meet each movement of her tongue with the dancing of his own. There was no guarantee another moment alone like such would grace them again. It was for that reason alone that the prince let his guard down entirely. To her he’d yield himself completely, and whether she’d want him again or not didn’t matter. He would kiss her well enough with the hope it might convince her to stay.
All the same, Diligence knew there’d be no way he could stomach her departure after this embrace, no way she’d return to Quest with Lord Temperance. Diligence would take on all the lord’s men until his dying breath if it meant keeping the lady here with him.
With that thought in mind the prince released their embrace, looking at the lady. No signs of regret seemed to show on her face. If anything Pride had seemed almost relieved, as if it’d been something she held back entirely.
_****_Looking into her eyes, her soul, Diligence said
_****_“My lady, I do not know what will come of this, what will meet us down the line. But I promise to give you every last bit of me if you’ll allow me to. Pride, be mine. Let me be yours. We’ll face it all together. Just promise me one thing. No more hiding, shame, pride. Let it eat us alive if it must but I do not wish to be apart any longer. Or for you to return to that god forsaken betrothed of yours.”
_****_Lady Pride’s head tipped back as she let out a hearty laugh. She retuned the prince’s intense stare, and with the most certainty he’d ever heard from her she responded
_****_“Yours I am, and yours I shall always be Diligence. Now make it count.”
_****_With the words lingering in the air, she pushed him onto the bed beside him and let him show her why it would all be well worth it.