Write a story simply titled 'The Alternative'.

What could this story be about?

The Alternative

It's the same thing.

Over and over and over.

Look around, and you'll see dull eyes which have lost their delight, a monotonous voice, blank features with no real focal point, shuffling footsteps, and the occasional, but rare, miserable sigh.

The highlight of the day, which brings out at least a groan, is the morning.

Every morning begins with a choice.

All of us have been instructed to choose Repeat, over and over. The teachers scold us, warn us, desperately plead with us. All we have to choose is Repeat.

The one thing constantly ruling our heads every night, every waking hour, is Repeat. Nothing else trumps the thought of Repeat.

Just Repeat.

Never the Alternative.

Today was Repeat.

The day begins with waking up, snoozing the universal alarm of 5:30 AM, take a cold shower at the exact temperature, wear a color that you have been given to by the committee, eat one last of bread, and go out to perform your Daily Activities.

3:30 in the afternoon is the time for Friendly Meet up. Today I was scheduled to meet with Ran.

Ran and I went into the private room. Of course, "private" isn't an existing thing in our nation. There are hidden bugs, monitoring our conversation.

"Hello," I say, the customary line for Friendly Meet Up.

"Hello," Ran replies, adjusting her beige-yellow shirt. She sits down on the chaos, brushing off the dirt with an uncommon look of distaste. Ran adjusted her chair to directly face mine with a furrowed brow.

"Ran, I have something troubling to inform you about." This is the ordinary line if we have something worrying to report.


"The days are just repetitive. I want something new."

"You could always choose The Alternative," Ran whispered, dull eyes finally increasing in passion.

"What?" I say, stunned. I rapidly blink, trying to processs what I heard. I momentarily freeze.

"I will repeat what I said. Choose the Alternative."

"No one's ever done that before," I whisper.

"Yes, they have!" Ran replies, incredelous. "My mom chooses the Alternative, and you’ve seen her just yesterday."

"Really?" I ask, dumfounded.

"Yes, " Ran says, eyes suddenly shifting. Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Suddenly, three men in space suits come in and take Ran away. Ran screams, and I am sitting in shock.

Ran's gone.

The next morning I choose The Alternative.

Curiosity really does kill the cat.

Everything seems normal until nightfall. Today I'm meeting with Maddie. Maddie's really a bore to speak to, but to say that would be rude.


I'm getting ready to perform my 10 minute shower when I black out.


I see myself.

Wide eyes. Button nose. Hair in a neat bun.

The only thing wrong is the smile.

She is my Replacement.

My Alternative.

I try to scream but a hand silences me.


My Alternative speaks. "Pleasure doing business with you."

Ran smiles. "A pleasure indeed."

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