
Voyage and Return

Rags to Riches

Write a short story using one of these basic plots.

Rich at last


I’m on a boat. Why, because my mom said she was tired of the United States. Apparently it’s because it’s to much money for us. Like ok!


It feels like I’ve been on this boat for ages. But it’s only the third day. My mom says we’re going where ever the wind takes us. I honestly think that’s not going to end up well but whatever.

The only problem about this is that there’s nothing to do. I’m going to log out for today. Bye....


I just woke up and looked around me. All there is the ocean so water, water, and some more water. I guess if I’m really thirsty then I can drink as much water as I want.

It’s the end of the day. Today was like any other day eat, watch, write and then sleep. Goodnight talk to you tomorrow.


I haven’t written in this in a week. Let me catch you up on everything.

Two days ago a big storm hit us. It started with a giant wave. The wave washed up onto our boat. Everything was soaked. I held on to this journal for dear life. One thing I don’t want to loose is this journal.

Well after the storm our boat was all broken. It was barely floating. But then a miracle happened. When I woke up yesterday we were stopped somewhere. I didn’t know where, but we were somewhere.

Yesterday afternoon we got off the boat and asked people where we were. One nice guy said we were in Paris, France. So then we walked around trying to get a little bit of money to fix our boat.

Then one amazing guy just gifted us 2 million dollars. He told us to use 1 million of it to fix our boat and the rest to bring back to the United States and use it on us.

So we fixed our boat.


We are on our boat back to the United States. We are coming back with more money then we came with.


Well now we’re in the middle of the ocean and lost. We figured out the hard way that our compass got washed away in the storm. So now we are lost in sea.


Today we found our compass. It was really weird. We saw something floating on top of the waves so we decided to investigate. When we got over there we found out it was a compass. As we flipped it over and saw our last name we were relived.

Now we’re going west to the United States.


It’s been a week again. Nothing interesting has happened except that we have ran out of food but it’s fine we only have a couple more days.

And that’s all we have of his journal. We don’t know if they got home safely.

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