Describe a character's physical appearance through the eyes of someone who feels intense jealousy for them.
How accurate would the description be when tainted by strong emotion?
Anything But Me
Her dirty blonde hair tangled as she ran, she had this face where she bit the inside of her cheek when she was tying to consentrate and it made her cheek bleed and her teeth red. No on payed attention to that, though. They payed attention to her slim body and smooth skin. They payed attention to the way she gracefully stepped on the track. They payed attention because she was anything _but _me. Anything but s girl with acne and a brocken arm from tripping over a hurdle. Anything but me, who couldn’t afford a fancy purse or clothes. Who didn’t get straight A’s in class.
But she was also anything but kind and humble. She was vain and rude and people still worshiped her ‘cause she was pretty. She _knew _that she was loved and she took full advantage of the fact that people would part for her to walk through the halls. She was just like a cliché popular girl in movies. But she walked through like she owned the place and I didn’t have even a sliver of that confidence in me. She could raise her hand in class and not worry about getting the answer wrong because no one else cared.
She’s anything but me.