The Walk Under The Hot Lights

I quietly balance on my heels, if you can even call them that. They are little 3 inch sandals.

I admire the cap infront of me, feathery and glitzy in pink glitter. I was strictly forbidden to customize mine. Mom said it would be childish. I reminded her of all the times she has called me that word. I was to go do the dishes.

“Caroline Gald” The Dean announces. Rapturous applause follows as my bleach blonde classmate strides across the stage in at least 6 inch heels. Internally I burn with jealously at all the applause she received, how high her heels were and the fact her dress doesn’t reach below her robe.

I look down at mine that resembles more of a prairie skirt.

I know jealously is a childish and well… embarrassing thing to feel on my last day of high school, but it’s one that has been drilled into me. Jealousy is motivation, motivation to be better. I grit my jaw and stew on my jealousy as the next 3 kids go ahead of me. Not like it matters much, embarrassment and jealously create the same pit in my stomach.

“Harper Gilberts.” The Dean announces, her voice echoing in the new foam soundproofing. the feather cap girl strides along the well lit stage. She leaves a trail of feathers that glide down behind her as she goes to shake the mayors hand.

My palms begin to sweat as Dean Hawes clears her throat.

“Anita Glenn.” The Dean announces, my face is beet red as I cross the hot stage. I can see the thin shadows of the first rows face. A few grandmothers, A smartly dressed Pilates type mom and a teenage boy next to her snickering and looking down at my skirt. I feel my skin get as cool as corpse even though the stage lights can melt a candle. My hands begin to shake and I try to rub them on my robe. I realize that I’ve been staring at this boy the entire time I’ve been walking. Nearly missing the crowd of 4 administrators. I attempt back peddle only to slip on whatever pink feather that littered the stage.

Even in my 3 inch heels I slide like a cartoon monkey with a banana peel, landing sideways, so both my left leg and face fall hard.Not only does the boy in the front rows snickering grow louder, but the entire auditorium bursts out in guilty quiet laughter.

It may just be the acoustics but I swear I can hear the shuffling of dollar bills from bets won.

Admin Borestein reaches his large hand out infront of me. I take it greatfully as he pulls me up.

“Uh…. Congratulations!” He finishes nervously handing me my diploma.

“Thanks it’s just… embarrassing….” I whisper as I grab it from his hands. My cheeks burn so red they are nearly purple. I can feel my mother’s scolding words. ‘Can’t show the DVD to Nana after that!’ I imagine.

“No….” He begins.

“No I know, it won’t matter and it will all be a funny memory…” I say beginning to walk down the stairs. Even if I have trouble believing it.

“No, I just wanted to say your robe ripped in the lower back.” Admin Borestein finishes with a sympathetic smile.

“Ha! Perfect!” I shout in a hushed whisper tone.

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