Submitted by r.d.m

Write a letter to someone on your mind.

Or write a letter to someone on a character's mind.

To My Dearest Beloved

I have always wanted you. I wanted you the moment you first blessed me with your fair face; I will want you still as I lay weak and trembling in my final hour. I want you despite your callousness, your failures and trials and griefs and frustrations. I want you foolishly, with the entirety of my tired being, knowing my life would be easier if I did not. I want you as the common man wants for liberty, as the rich man wants for nothing, as the blind man wants to look into the light. I want you as the sick child wants for comfort, as the law wants to punish, as the winter wants to ravage the lives of the innocent. Whether you know it or not, you have written your name on my heart over and over, each time you met my sad, sunken eyes or pronounced my name---even if it was with a scowl. I am alive only in your presence; without you, I am simply awake. Rebuff me and ignore me and despise me as you wish, I will cherish you until the world is at peace and every person wears a genuine smile, until hate is dead and greed becomes unnecessary, until there are no more borders or biases or pretty lies. As long as misery exists on earth, I will never stop loving you.

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