
Dean knew this was the right moment, walking down this path with Addie at his side will forever be burned into his memory. He knew she would say yes, and still his heart pounded fast from anticipation, and when he began to speak bile filled his throat.

He looked at Addie and stared into her beady hazel eyes. Her brunette hair flowed with the wind. Dean couldn’t take his eyes off her. She stared at the river, but he only paid attention to her.

He felt warmth in his heart, and the only thing he could describe this feeling was love.

"I've read many romance stories in my life, and watched many more, but nothing could have

prepared me for this,"

Dean wiped the sweat beads that formed on his forehead and got on one knee. Addie put one hand over her mouth and let out a small gasp.

"Dean, what are you doing?" She asked in disbelief.

"I thought I understood love because it's always been around me, but I was wrong. I never knew someone could consume me in such a way I couldn't comprehend. Our two worlds have become one. It's filled with butterflies and euphoria," Dean let out a small chuckle and Addie's eyes became moist.

"I know that I'm making the right choice because my heart beats fast whenever I see your face, the stars shine bright in the sky, and yet I can only focus on you, think about you, smell you,"

Dean pulled a ring from his pocket and held it out to Addie. His shaky hands pulled hers to his mouth and kissed it.

"It's only us now. Addie Mulan Dixeon, will you marry me?”

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