You walk past someone in the street that you vaguely recognise. When you turn back, the person is staring at you in shock.


The window of an old cafe. Shiny after being cleaned of snow that morning. A bright red sign and bold black letters, proudly announced its place on the quiet corner. There was a display full of frosted sugar cookies. Christmas trees, candles, red ornaments, and snowballs. Spirited and festive, as it was every year.

Yet something was off.

I saw something more in the window. Not the cushioned backdrop or the reflection of the street. Brick building by brick building, colored lights by colored lights. Nothing unfamiliar.

“Carolina?” I asked, turning to face the window. My fingers touched the spotless glass as I stared inside.

Her gorgeous green eyes once sparkling with joy now faded. An old worn jacket and sweatpants. No spirit in her posture. This wasn’t the girl I remembered with her fashionable dresses and festive hats. Her decorated makeup and sparkles.

She looked lifeless.

I touched the tip of my nose

“Oh Carolina, who did this to you?”

Surely this wasn’t how I was supposed to live the rest of my life.

Alone for the holidays.

Not recognizing my own reflection.

I sighed, my shoulders sinking deeper. The pristine light of the mirror seemed to dim with my presence.

I used my sleeve to wipe the fog off the window, as if the motion would change my reflection.

Still me.

The Carolina who gave up on Christmas.

And herself.

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