Inspired by The Author
Write a poem ending with the phrase 'Never again'.
Fool For You
I was a fool for you once,
the one who believed the lies you told,
but my love for you is dead now,
and my heart has grown cold.
I was a fool for you once,
the one who begged you to just do right,
but my love for you is dead now,
and I have given up that hopeless fight.
I was a fool for you once,
the one who stayed loyal to a fault,
but my love for you is dead now,
and I no longer carry the pain you brought.
I was a fool for you once,
the one who believed in you beyond all doubt,
but my love for you is dead now,
and you have become the man I’m better without.
I was a fool for you once,
the one who would have loved you until the end,
but my love for you is dead now,
and I have decided to love myself instead.
I was a fool for you once,
but never again…