Write a story through diary entries or letters discovered in an abandoned house.

Epistolary stories can offer unreliable narrators and incomplete narratives, giving you space to add mystery, confusion, or intrigue to your story.


May 6, 3428

The journey is going well, Richard has gone into the cryogenic sleep as planned. The Edison is running exceptionally well, it is projected we will make it to Andromeda in 30 years.

May 7 3428

I have successfully checked all of the systems. The rest of the crew has already enter cryogenic sleep, I will be joining them.

January 5, 3458

The Edison has woke me up early. All of the crew is dead. We are still on course.

January 7, 3458

I commanded the Edison to change course, it did not respond. I believe it has developed a consciousness and for some reason demands to go to Andromeda.

January 12, 3458

The Edison’s voice has come back online and it has started to referring to me as the fatted cow. We are still on course.

February 28, 3458

Edison has prevented me from recording my diary entries. I do not know why he has let me now. He is treating me well and has allowed me to enter dream state. I have been dreaming about being home with my family on Christmas Day. I will continue to record. Diary entries daily as long as I am able to. We are still on course.

March 1, 3458

We are near days away from Andromeda. Edison has begun to refer to it as his dearest. I have continued to be in my dream states. We are still on course.

March 2, 3458

There are 4 days left until we reach Andromeda and I have spotted some alien creature inside it. It appears to be the size of Jupiter.I believe Edison would like to sacrifice me to that thing. We are still on course.

March 3, 3458

Edison seems to be sacrificing me to the thing I spotted yesterday in a religious manner. This is the type of things the great writers of thousands of years ago could see only in their nightmares. We are still on course.

March 4, 3458

There are only 3 days left until we reach the thing. I have observed all that I can. This is my final diary entry. I will be living my last few remaining days in the bliss of my own home back on Tera with my family. Goodbye Jane, I will miss you.

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