The Smallest Wish In The World

Goldie had one best friend in the whole world. Goldie was Jennys pet goldfish and would always listen when Jenny was telling her all about her day, always swimming right up to the glass of her fish bowl whenever Jenny came into the room, her little golden fins splashing excitedly in the water.

Goldie was Jennys best friend by far, and Jenny was Goldies best friend too

But sometimes, when Goldie heard stories of Jennys adventures, she wished she could go out into the world with Jenny and experience them together

Or better yet, if only she could show Jenny her world and the special adventures she would go on when Jenny was away at school.

The only problem, thought Goldie, blowing bubbles as she thought, Jenny was just too big.

If she had just one wish in the world, just one very little wish…

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