It's Nature

Don't wake in a world where the trees all died

A world where the leaves have all dried up and made into a brittle brown pile

Places like that are places dead

Don't let places like that live inside your troubled head

Don't wake up in a pile of dead roses

A Thorned bush that leaves your limbs frozen in place

Hoping for a friendly face to walk by as you lie in a solid state with your eyes open

Looking at the withered petals

Don't be soft and brittle as they are

Don't dwell on the scars of the past, cause that's nature, you have to learn and adapt

Be aware that there is darkness in all

Stand tall, don't fall down then decompose

See the green in everything, half full never half empty

There will always be a brown pile of leaves somewhere, but that's ok, it's nature

Make space for the green,

Then rake the fallen leaves, keep your mind clean and simple

Wake to the sounds of birds chirping on stable branches

Wake up able to dig the weeds out of the rose fields

Wake to the morning dew tucked between plush petals

Then let the rain settle on your skin, don't let it flood you within

Wake to a world where dead trees make room for others to grow

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