In The Tall Man’s Shadow

Gill paced up and down the hotel room. Clutching the photo and tapping it against his other hand.

and then he now stopped, tilted his head and pulled the face of a man who’d had an epiphany, then he’d shake off the idea and continue pacing.

He stared at the photo and wiped the sweat from his face and neck with yesterday’s t-shirt.

“What the hell am I going to do with this?”

He sat on the bed and took a large gulp of the drink residing on his bedside table.

“I could burn it.” He said excitedly then his face dropped. He downed the remaining liquid and stood up abruptly.

He could keep it in a safety deposit box. No one would find it, and he’d have evidence in case he needed it.

Could he use it for blackmail? Would anyone even believe what they were looking at?

“I don’t even believe it.” He finished the thought out loud.

If he’d been seen then the safest place would be at the bank. Even better he could use the deposit box Gloria had left to him.

“Yes, thank you Gloria!” The old woman had no real ties to him so her box couldn’t be traced. “Genius.”

Gill stopped for a moment and noticed his vision had begun to blur. The strength left his body and he stumbled back to the floor next to his bed.

He watched the photo float and glide down and rest on the rug. His eyes remained fixed as he felt his head hit the carpet. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was a tall shadow cast on the wall in front of him and the sound of their shoes as they stepped into the room.

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