Just Breath

Just breath.

Make eye contact

Smile for extra measure.

Laugh for reassurance.

Everything’s fine.

Walking into the class room. Sit next to my best friend.

“Are you ok?”, she asks.

“Never better”, I reply.

Look around to see who might be watching. Eyes go to Logan. Next I see Levi. Then Lucas, Aubrey, Livy. Their all looking at me. A lump forms in my throat. I look away. I focus on the lesson.

Just breath.

Class dismissed. Logan walks up to me.

“What’s wrong”, he asked.

“Nothing”, I reply.

He walks away. I walk to my last class. I dread the afternoon. The visitation. I can’t bear to see her in a casket. 2 days ago I had just spoken to her. Now she was dead. My mother figure, gone.

Just breath

Class flys by. The bell rings. I wait in the gym for my dad. He pulls up in his Jeep. I climb in. He seemed to have been crying.

“How was school?”, he asked.

“Good”, I reply.

Just breath.
