Meant For Greatness

“But how on earth could I possibly be of help? I’m just a girl!” protested Maeve.

“Well, that’s precisely it,” replied Jolly. “If we were on earth, there would be nothing you could do. But remember, we’re not on earth. On earth, magic is hidden. On earth, teenage girls put on makeup and play sports. On earth, horses don’t fly. But here in Elysian, trees flow, boys wield swords, and teenage girls can become queen of an entire land.”

Maeve did not know if this was liberating or terrifying to know. Most likely it was a little bit of both. She was against terrible odds, and she knew it. An entire world, divided against its lands, continents of peoples fighting against their own. Those were often the worst battles; the ones that started over petty differences as where one’s magic was stored - in one’s wings or in one’s skin. When matters of appearance are the cause of strife, all reasoning and logic has already been abandoned, and there can be no easy avoidance of war.

Still, Maeve knew she had to do this. She was the chosen one. She was to lead a people into battle; not to conquer land, but to bring peace upon all the nations once again. What would happen after that, she had no idea. Would she be crowned queen after it was all over? Perhaps. Would she fall in battle? More likely. But she learned over the years here, that despite her young age, she was meant, at least in this land, for greatness.

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