“Did you ever mean it?”

“Once, yes. But only once.”

Write a short story that contains this dialogue.

“Did you Ever Mean it?”

A curled fist comes swinging in my direction and makes contact with my cheek. I glare up at him and spit out blood, vowing to give him few marks before I escape. Permanent ones. Not that is would matter a whole lot. He’s ugly both inside and out.

“Well now, thats hardly fair. I can’t exactly use my arms to defend myself.” I tell him sarcastically and nod towards my cuffed up wrists.

He mockingly chuckles, “Wasn’t fair when you betrayed us either, sweetheart.” He says before going in for another punch.

I crane my head away in a pathetic attempt to dodge his blow and squeeze my eyelids shut, bracing myself for an attack.

_One second….two….three….._

Nothing. I slowly open my eyes to see that _he _saved me. Even after he knows what I’ve done to him and his group.

“Sorry, man, you’ll have a massive headache when you wake up.” He says before knocking his friend out and turning towards me, giving me an emotionless smirk, “Gotta hand it to you, you did an impeccable job convincing me of your loyalties. I was almost believing you. Quite a shame that you work for the government. We could’ve used you around here.” He tells me and I think I would rather have him angry than _numb_. Anything at all would be better.

I scramble to make him understand, to make him realize what they threatened to do if I didn’t gather information on the rebel group. “Listen Axel, I had to do it, okay? You just don’t get it, they were-“

I start to say but he cuts me off, “You’re right I don’t understand. You lied to my_ face. _You told me you loved me while going behind my back, Emia.” He pauses as if he’s processing something then aggressively runs his hands through his hair saying, “I bet that's not even your real name, is it?” “No.” I mumble, suddenly very interested in the floor and waiting for him to say something. Anything

“You realize if your letter reaches the government, people are going to die.” He says finally, acting as if I didnt know already. But I did. And I still sent it because of my own selfish reasons. Because my only family would die if I didn’t. Because I chose her over them.

I nod, my gaze still directed elsewhere.

“Did you ever mean it?” He questions and my head snaps up


“Was any of it real, Emia?” He asks again and I want to tell him the truth. That it was. That my feelings was an act at first but blossomed into something true and magical.

But we live two different worlds. And If I said yes, I would be putting him into my world. And there’s enough people in danger because of me.

And so, I must lie.

“Once, yes. But only once.” Okay… Not the best lie. Could’ve just said no, but this is the closest I can bring myself to do.

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