It’s the middle of November and I'm trudging through three feet of snow because, much to my dismay, bodies don't just bury themselves.
Write a story starting with this sentence.
White ribbon
We met during due to an accident, it wasn't really planned. It just happened that we both booked the same cruise trip and ended it being neighbours. She was a sweet woman and had her charm. Many fell for her, and so did i. It started out like any film romance: little prods, causal walks, regular cafe meetings.
We swapped numbers. When her hand touched mine, i swear i felt a little electrical shock, just small enough to be invisible. But i felt it. And it was it.
I went back to work, planned out my new projects, chatted with Lily. That was her name. Like a flower, she captured me, an oblivious insect, trying to find some pollen and ending up in this white heaven. Months went by, our friendship evolved into something much more beautiful. We were passionate, we wanted more.
When november arrived, it was the final step to solidify our love. I rented us a countryside house near the shore. Sea, surfing, sunbathing - anything you could wish for. Lily kissed me that night, we both enjoyed it. Even when snow started coming, it didn't ruin the mood.
There were mountains nearby, hiking sounded like a great idea. It was her wish, i complied.
It's the middle of november and I'm trudging through three feet of snow, because, much to dismay, bodies don't bury themselves.
Another flower withered, another insect won.
It was a great idea, we both enjoyed the end.
I'll put a little ribbon inside her wild brown hair.
It'll help to find her later, much to my dismay.