My Brother

My brother and I were in the corner store getting some groceries, we were running low with only kale, mayonnaise, orange juice, and cheese left in the fridge.

As I was grabbing some kraft dinner when this guy in a leather jacket walked up to me-no he stormed up to me, leaned in, and spat in my face

“I saw what you did last night and I’ve told everyone.”

“What?” I asked confused.

Two police men came up behind me and put me in handcuffs

“What the hell?! get off me!” I struggled but it was no use. My brother came to my defense

“What the hell are you doing to my sister?” He asked astonished and a bit aggressive

“Your sister was seen last night hiding a dead body,” said one of the police holding me

My brother scoffed “yeah right, you lying piece of shit. My sister would never-”

The policeman pushed my brother off

“That remains to be seen, until then we question her.”

My brother was finally allowed to come and see me, I was pacing the cell when I saw him coming down the hall. When he got to my door he looked devastated.

“How could you?” He whispered

“What are you-” I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.

“They saw you, on a security camera. They showed me the tape”

“You don’t actually think I killed som-“

“I SAW YOU!” He shouted banging the door, I backed away. I didn’t recognize him, he’s never got this mad at me “you think I wouldn’t recognize my sister?!”

“NO!” I shouted back, “I just thought you would know me well enough to know that I would never kill somebody!” I said tears running down my face.

He stormed off. I sat on the floor crying. Through my tears, I saw something white on the gray stone floor. I crawled towards it, it was I piece of paper.

I opened it and recognized my brother's handwriting, I wiped away my tears so I could see more clearly sniffing, it had only two words,

play along.

Play along? What was that supposed to mean? I sat there brainstorming. My brother and I live together, he went out last night. I was home studying, he had said that he went to his boyfriend's house, but what if.

I asked if I could make a call, I called Leo (my brother's boyfriend)

“Leo hi,”

“Holy shit! why are you in jail”

“Long story,” I said hurriedly “I just need you to tell me, was Andrew at your house last night?”

“What, no, I asked him to come over but he said that you guys were having like a sibling night or something”


“Gabby? Gabby are you there?”

“Yeah, yeah I’m here. Listen I’ve got to go”

“Ok but-“ I hung up

There’s no way, it can’t be. But why would my brother lie? Theirs no way, my brother would never. The next day he came to visit, I had to ask him.

“Where were you the other night?” I whispered

“At Leo’s, I told you”

“No you weren’t, I called him, he said you weren’t there,” I said in a shaking voice still whispering into the phone looking straight into his eyes

He looked shocked,

“Right I meant-“

“Don’t lie” I said tears brimming in my eyes? “tell me the truth, where were you?”

He said also whispering “I- don’t worry I get us out of this. I just need-“

“God damn it, Andrew, Did you kill that person?” Trying to stay quiet


“Did you?”

He put down the phone that he was using to talk to me, and walked away.

I sat on my bed in my cell, I can’t believe it. My brother is a murderer.

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