“Ma’am are you okay?” Carey chuckled at the question. She was covered in blood and had a nasty gash at her left temple.

Write a story with this as the first line

Roads And Strangers At Night

A/N: surprisingly, this wasn’t meant to be for Halloween, it just turned out that way! Sorry it’s a bit shorter than my other works!

“Ma’am, are you okay?”

Carey chuckled at the question. She was covered in blood and had a nasty gash against her left temple.

“What does it look like to you?” She asked the man, who had parked his car on the side of the rode to come to her aide. ‘A true gentleman indeed.’ She thought, bitterly.

The man chuckled and tipped his hat,

“Jus’ thought I asked, jus’ in case you weren’t dressed up or anythin.”

Carey studied the man. Yes, he would do just fine.

“You know what? I’m not doing too great,” she lied easily, “I could use a ride, I’m just going right outside of town.” She said, tossing her blonde hair to the side.

The man looked at her for a moment before he said,

“Well, what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t help a lady in need?” He opened his truck door as Carey climbed inside.

As soon as she closed the truck door, the man took off driving.

Carey looked at him, a gleam in her hazel eyes,

“You’re such a kind soul, might I know your name?” She asked him.

The man tipped his hat,

“Doug, and you are?”

She smiled as she pointed to a deserted spot on the side of the rode,

“Carey,” she said her name first, “right here is good to pull over.”

Doug gave her a confused look, but obliged as he pulled the truck over.

As soon as the truck parked, Carey gave him a gleaming smile, showing her off her bright teeth, when she did, Doug let out a gasp.

Carey licked the blood off of her fangs as she remarked,

“I’m really sorry to do this Doug, I really am. You seem like such a sweet soul.” She grabbed the back of his neck, causing Doug to let out a sort of strangled scream.

“What-what are you?” He stammered out.

Carey giggled,

“I think you know that answer yourself, partner.” She winked as she leaned towards his neck.

“This will be quick in painless if you don’t squirm, I hate having squirmes when I’m hungry.”

As she sank her fangs into his neck, Doug’s screams filled her ears.

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