“Did you ever mean it?”

“Once, yes. But only once.”

Write a short story that contains this dialogue.

Demeter’s Lament

Let us dance to the music,

the music of the trees.

To the howling of the wolves,

the harmonies of the breeze.

A dance under star light,

A dance with no moon.

For once the dance is over,

You’ll be gone, quick and soon.

Let us dance one last time

Before a new dawn comes of age

Before he dragged you down the aisle

Before he puts you in a cage.

Did you ever mean it, Love?

Would you have ever tried to stay?

Once, yes. But only once, she said

Like she wanted to go away.

A tragedy, you’d call it

A tale of tears and woe

But winter always comes, my dears

After flowers must come the snow.

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