Submitted by CuteChaos
Write a poem centered around this word.
Drifting in the wind,
Theres tale of a new being.
Something big and strong.
This is where you’ve made your error.
You see, friend.
To be this being, you need not be strong or big.
In fact, the lesser so the better.
To be what it is, it is almost to be what it’s not.
Some face drakons, 9 tailed foxes, and newly erupted challenges from Zeus himself.
Others, it’s different. It’s the immense struggle to get up and out of bed each morning, to step into a new day and experience a new dawn.
For some, it’s to even engage slightly in conversation when they know their adversary could have a range of responses.
It’s to put things into perspective, to dive deep into each hard earned moment.
Opia, an intense moment of meeting another’s eyes, like looking through a keyhole unknowing of which way you are looking. This intensity reflects these actions, coming easy to some, and being crushingly hard to others.
It is what it means to be brave.