Use this single word to inspire a poem.
I feel
Like my brain was stitched with two left hands
And my heart with sharp wire instead of gentle thread
I feel odd
Like I’m made wrong
A unique creature to gaze upon
Not with beauty but with horror
I feel broken
Not that I was ever shattered
But I was made this way
Undone and unfixable
I feel terrifying
Like a beast hiding in the dark corners
Begging you to run
Before I destroy both you and myself
I feel mismatched
The darkness of my eyes do not match the brightness of my smile
And I don’t know what’s worse
Everyone noticing or no one noticing at all
I feel as if I’m running in the wrong direction
Wrong path
Wrong place
Wrong me
I feel like a mistake
A smear of acrylic on a once beautiful canvas
A burden to be erased
And not loved
I was made backwards
Therefore I am backwards
And there is no fixing me
Now that I am here