Art by Vaghauk @

Your character has just escaped the City of Death. Tell the story of what happened there.

Remembering Death

_The city was dark, ruined, and black. But the thing I remembered the most was the screaming._

_Screaming tortured souls who thought they didn’t belong here._

_I used to be one of them you know, until I found a way out._

_The bell tower on Fifth Boulevard was a part of my route._

_The same thing every day. Little did the bell keeper know, I had been sent to the wrong place._

_Not the city of the living, the special city for the dead who were extra evil._

_I wasn’t necessarily evil, just misunderstood, and yes, I do know karate._

_It was simple, really, but I’m telling you this anyway._

_While cupping my hands into the water fountain for a drink, I noticed a glint of metal._

_Yes, they poisoned our water with metal to torture our insides, but we were already dead._

_I reached for the knife, (the idiot who put this in here would for sure be fired.)_

_I inched closer to my guard, pretending I was ready to be locked up again, and stabbed him through the middle._

_The chances of this being a knife with rusty copper was low, and I probably would’ve been punished._

_Somehow it wasn’t, and I knew he was guiding me._

_My eyes glinted with tears, and I watched as the guard collapsed to the stone floor covered in sharp metal shards to give us tetanus._

_Before the alarm sounded I ran. The city gates were near, I could sense it._

_I didn’t take any wrong turns, and the gates were open. I said a silent prayer to thank him, and ran._

_The green valley shone before me, and below that the city of life._

_”I’m coming Charlie.”_

_And I ran._

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