It’s Beating Faster…

How does one accept this?

How can one accept the heart of someone?

Yet I’m left here with another body and their beautiful beating heart.

All to myself.

Some call me a psychopath, others a masquerade murderer.

I’m not what they think of me.

Every time I see their heart slow to a stop and their breath drop

I regret it but it’s needed in my life.

“You’re getting sloppy, 5-1-10.” **He** said.

My real name since that one day has never been said.

I kneeled down and looked at the ground.

“How long did this one take you?” **He **asked circling me then standing over the body.

“Ten minutes…. **Sir**.” I spoke with no confidence.

“And your record what was it again?” **He **walked and stood in front of me.

“4…. Minutes…” I didn’t finish before **he** spoke once more.

“Then help me understand why with the best blades you have become slower.” **His **voice laced with an undertone of anger but also regret.

“I. I’m unable to do so, **sir**.” I said.

_That was the last things I said before I became like my victims. _

Cold _hearted_.

**He** was the one to kill me.

The last thing I heard was

“Next time do better.” **He** said and then **he** smiled.

Then, my eyes close for the rest of eternity.

“**Miss**. Oh yes I have your …._product_.” **He **said on the phone.

Minutes later, **she** arrived. In a box my heart would be delivered to the **higher council**.

“Here you go **miss**.” He said handing **her** my heart.

**She** accepted the gift, feeling a swirl and mix of feelings inside **her**.

“Thank you. You’re no longer needed now.” In one swift moment **she **took out a pistol and killed **him**.

“I just wanted my **Jewel** back.” **He** said falling to the ground and clenching **his** heart.

“Oh don’t worry **she**’s safe and sound and not even aware that **you **exist.” **She **said.

What **she** didn’t wait around to see was that… **I **wasn’t dead.

**I** wasn’t alive either. Thanks to **him **I had become apart of the living dead.

Maybe it was my destiny after all….

My name is **Nekro Kranio**.

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