by Thomas Griesbeck @ Unsplash

'The Lake'. Write a crime, mystery, or horror story about what happened at this location.


The lake. It’s all she sees in her eyes. In her memory. She had hoped visiting it would help soothe the memories. She was wrong. Very wrong. The hurt was fresh, tender.

She gently sat down and looked out over the view. The sky was gray and the water was rippling. A storm was coming in and she could smell the rain. A tear slid down her face, followed by another and another.

The world started going dark as she was transported to the past.

_“Where are we being taken?” She asked. _

_“I don’t know my love. But we’ll be safe. I promise.”_

_As they rode, both shoved in a trunk, they told each other love statements and prepared for death. The car rolled to a stop and the man who adult-napped them opened the trunk and stuffed gags down their throat. Binding theirs hands, they had no way to fight. He shoved the newlyweds toward the cold, rippling lake. He stuck his foot out and tripped her husband. He fell head first into the lake and stopped moving. He went unconscious. Next, the man shoved her into the water. Bound and gagged, she fought the ripples trying to keep her in its cold grasp. Reaching the surface, she mermaided to the edge. _


_Finally she reached the edge and shook the now wet, loose bounds away and ran to her love. His body was floating about three yards away. She dived and swam to him. She reached his corpse and let out a sob. Dragging him to the surface, she didn’t know if her face was wet from tears or salty water. Finally, she reached the edge and rolled him over. His lifeless eyes stared into the dark night sky. She slid his eye lids closed and placed a final kiss on her loves lips._



She wiped away more tears, coming back into the present. She hated sorrow. But the good memories were what kept her alive. Good memories is what she would focus on. Like their first kiss. The first impression. Their first hand holding session. Memories. It’s all that was left of her love.

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