Tell the reader everything they need to know about a character by only describing their shoes.
Red Converse
She’s got high tops. Bright red. So they don’t match everything she wears, and they’re not especially bright anymore. They’re a bit dirty from running on the wrong side of town. The left toe has a heart drawn on it in sharpie from where she was bored in English class last semester. Mr. Frugelli growled out questions about Shakespeare like he wasn’t the most over rated author on their reading list. When she rolled her eyes to answer she accidentally made the right side of the heart a bit too big. The right shoe, right in back across her heel was the autograph of one Sammy McCavoy, the most amazing guitarist to ever play in a rock and roll band ever. She’d been lucky enough to see him in a diner once and faced with a napkin or her shoe.. well the shoe seemed like the better option. Only these are her favorite shoes, the ones she wears everyday, the ones she runs from her problems in, the ones she climbs the tree in front of Oliver’s house in late at night, the ones that fit her feet absolutely perfectly… and the last present her dad gave her before he died. They’re her favorite shoes. And god I wanna throw them out of this fuxking truck.