by Sans @

Write a halloween horror in less than 10 sentences.

The Town

“We shooting?…”

“No.. wait,”

“On air in 3…2…1…Action”

“Today we are covering a story of a mysterious town gone missing 5 years ago. The habitants of this town, roughly 4,000 people, missing within a week of living here” *gestures to the abandoned town behind*

“No family members of the missing came in contact with the missing. The community simply disappearing.”

“Walking through this town you get the sense that the people were unaware what was going to happen. The houses still intact, with all the furnitures, photos, and personal items still there, left in the same place 5 years ago. What happened to this town? Why is it abandoned, Who was responsible? And where are the missing people.”


“Nice job Avery! We will resume in the morning!”

The reporter left quickly, wanting to explore this town which was boarded up for years. Her grandmother was in this town when they went missing. Avery felt a connection to finding what happened here. It was her responsibility. The world that she knew then was not what it is now. When she was a little girl, she thought the world was perfect, and that nothing bad was going to happen. But after that fatal night sitting by the TV with her mother, watching the news talking about the 4,000 people missing, something changed. Her grandmother was among the people that went missing. And she decided it had to be her responsibility.

Walking through the town, she noticed how rusty, the houses are. It was like walking back in time. The town had every thing that was popular back then. To the TV, to the styles. Avery walked into a house, a nice two story family house. Walking in, there were photos of the family on the wall. A mother, with blond hair, and blue eyes, holding a baby in her arms. The baby looked to be a little girl. Standing next to the mother was the father, brown hair and grey eyes. Standing in front was a little boy. Probably about 3 years old. A spitting picture of his father with the mothers eyes. The little boy was shown everywhere, toys on the floor. A small truck holding lego men. The kitchen still with dirty dishes, the fridge still stalked. Upstairs was the bedrooms, a small room for the boy, the master suite, and the nursery. Hanging above the crib stood the birth certificate. Jane Amas, January 19th, 2010. Three months before the town disappeared.

*BOOm Schhhhh*

Avery looked up in shock, what the hell was that? Something was wrong. She walked down the stairs, bursting outside. It was almost dark, only being 5:15 pm. The Autumn breeze blowing through the town. The clouds were closing in, more darker then the night. Walking down the street, she saw a figure, sitting on a grave in the middle of the graveyard. Avery didn’t remember a Cemetary being there. The figure wore what looked like a cloak. Sitting patiently with there hand in there lap.

“Good morning? Im sorry i don’t think your supposed to be here! We stoped filming a couple minuets ago!”

She looked arround, not seeing anyone else in the town. She thought that was strange. She swore she had just been in that house for less than five minuets. She approached the figure, as she got closer the figure stood up. She herd it whispering something under his breath. “Town…people…….not..”

“Excuse me?” She said.

Suddenly the creature jumped at her. Before she blacked out she saw the terrifying decomposed face of her grandmother.

What felt like a minuet later, she was panting in a hospital bed. The lights were bright shining down on her. She looked arround, and then saw her grandmother. She staired at her for a minuet, “G-Grandma?” Avery breathed out. And she embraced her grandmother, never letting go.

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