Stomach Bug

Our weekend was finally here!

the third weekend in July…

It was time for the “TRIO’S” (as we called ourselves), annual Girls Trip!

We hastily packed our luggage, snacks, cooler and various other personal items, into the back of my Honda Pilot SUV… We were ready to hit the open road!

“After we were all in, I started up the car and settled behind the wheel.

“Can anyone say Girrrrls Trip!” I shouted, as we all laughed and held up our soda pops, and bags of chips in unison. We Laughed!

“ It’s on now! Chicago here we come!”

Cheered Destiny from the backseat.

“ Girls, it’s been way too long!

I’ve missed you both so much! I know we talk often on the phone! but it’s nothing like us all being together!

I don’t know about you all…but our girls trip is one of the highlights of my year!”

I said joyfully, while driving and trying to program the address to our airbnb,

into my GPS.

“ Ours too!” Giggling, Amari and Destiny both chimed in simultaneously.

Amari, Destiny and myself ( Keisha), we have been friends since high school. We each now had rewarding careers, as teachers and nurses.

Now, in our mid thirties, our family/work obligations made for extremely busy lives.

Nevertheless, over the years the three of us

managed to set our exclusive weekend aside.

Our Girls Trip, allowed us to reconnect and rekindle our beloved friendship.

We were excited and enjoying our scenic drive. There was nonstop laughing and chitchatting, as we headed up the road to Chicago!

Amari was sitting in the front passenger seat, flashing her warm smile, while finger combing her Sister Locks. She also enjoyed Cheetos and Skittles which she was now eagerly snacking on as we continued to reminisce.

Destiny, sat in the backseat, engrossed in her TikTok videos on her phone. At times she would laugh out loud, and share the videos she was watching, with Amari and myself.

That was one of the items, on our agenda. Destiny promised to teach Amari and I how to make a “soul dancing” TikTok video.

“We’re going to have a blast!” I hollered.

This year was my year to choose our destination! I selected downtown Chicago! It was just a five hour drive from our hometown in Indiana. We had planned on some much needed retail therapy, bike, riding on the canal, and going to see Hamilton the musical!

It was going to be a jam packed three day weekend, but we were all super excited, and wanted to enjoy every minute of it!

It was about 2 1/2 hours into our trip when I shouted out,

“We are going to have Sooooo!”

“Sorry to interrupt Keisha, but are either of you feeling nauseated?” Amari grimaced and gripped the car’s door handle.

Off and on throughout our trip, Amari had mentioned to Destiny, and I that she was not feeling the best.

We all teased her and chalked it up to the fact that she most likely overindulged, on her Cheetos and Skittles combination.

While turning down the radio with one hand

and the other hand on the steering wheel, I responded,

“ So far so good! I’m not feeling bad at all!

I’m too excited to feel bad!” We all giggled!

Destiny, leaning to the side in the backseat, responded, “As a matter of fact, come to think of it my stomach does feel just a tad bit upset.”

I jokingly said, “ I told you both to lay off those Cheetos and Skittles”

Destiny snickered,“ Girl! I only had a handful… But Amari …

she ate the entire bag, of both the Cheetos, and the Skittle’s!”

“Yall are too funny!” I screamed.

“Would anyone like some Tums? because I’m hoping it’s just a little indigestion that we are dealing with.”

Destiny asked, while retrieving a large container of the medication from her overnight bag.

About an hour earlier, we stopped for lunch at a quaint mom -and -pop cafe. Afterwards, we all raved about the service and about how

delicious our seafood meals were.

Taking my eyes off the road for just seconds, and glancing over at Amari, I became concerned, as she was now slightly hunched over, moaning and vigorously rubbing her stomach.

Amari’s flawless, Mahogany facial expression, now indicated that she may be in acute distress.

Hey Destiny, I shouted, glancing over my right shoulder briefly. “Could you please look in that cooler and grab Amari one of those 7 Ups to help calm her stomach?”

After Destiny swiftly retrieved the ice cold soda, she passed the can over the seat to Amari.

Before opening the soda, Amari rubbed the can

on her neck and forehead, to help provide some relief and cool herself.

As she continued to grimace and squeezed her stomach, Amari with tears now forming in her eyes said “ Thanks Destiny!…Keisha, you’re right… I know UGH! ____I just know…this 7-Up UGH!___is going to do the UGH! ___trick,

UGH!___but, I really UGH! ___I need to go to the bathroom ASAP!”

Immediately after Amari took her first sip of the refreshing drink, her symptoms worsened.

Destiny now rolling her window down in the back, attempted to stick her head out the window. This was in an attempt to get more fresh air, as she began to feel overheated.

“Keisha I know you don’t have the heat on! But! I’m so hot! Please turn the air up!

It’s so hot in here!

I feel like I just need more air!” She cried.

At this point, I was visibly shaking. And starting to really wonder… “What is going on?”

“Okay girls! I’m driving as fast as I can!

I’m going to be pulling off at the next exit!

Just hold on okay!” I exclaimed.

Amari now leaning forward, both legs drawn up, to her chest, feet on the seat, and arms wrapped around her legs.

“UGH! My stomach is hurting so bad!

“ Where is my empty Cheetos bag? I’m getting ready to hurl again!

What is going on with me? I feel just awful!”

She cried uncontrollably, with tears now streaming down her face.

I attempted to stay laser focused on the highway as I retrieved the now disgusting Cheetos, bag off the floor, and handed it to Amari with my right hand.

I felt a sense of relief when I envisioned

the blue road sign that read,

Next Rest Area 1 mile.

I could hear Destiny in the back gagging, moaning and sobbing as she gathering up ice from the cooler. She placed the ice in a paper towel, making a cool compress for her head.

She then laid her head back on the rear head rest.

After reaching the Rest Area, I hastily placed the car in Park, and ran around to the passenger side of the vehicle, to render aid and help

both Amari and Destiny to the Ladies Room.

After assisting both of my friends, I immediately notified that my stomach also now felt unsettled and queasy.

“ Oh No! Not Me Too!” I shouted.

I began vigorously rubbing my stomach, as I wiped off the beads of perspiration, which were now forming on my forehead.

Yes! Unfortunately, I was beginning to have

the same symptoms as Amari and Destiny.

My stomach, now also …ached and was retching in pain!

Now sandwiched between Amari and Destiny,

In the Ladies bathroom stalls,

My ailments were now more pronounced,

but with much similarity to my friend’s.

“Unbelievable!” I cried, as the symptoms of nausea, dizziness and wooziness we’re now upon me.

Then from the stall on my right side, I heard Destiny, in between hurls call out,

“ Trio! UGH!__Someway, Somehow, UGH! _

this Stomach Bug___UGH! ___is going to pass!

and UGH! __we’re going to make it to Chicago!

We could only hope and pray that we would indeed, feel better soon, and that our girls trip would be back on track!

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