Image by Dan Meyers @ Unsplash

"We were in love here". Write the story of how your protagonist ended up painting this here.

Session Bot

Year: 4028 month: February day: 28

In a Far away in a science lab

“Dr. dhay your experiment is working! The session bot is moving ; I fixed it!” Screamed Dr. dhay’s son Fred. “is this one of your jokes again? they haven’t moved I’ve been tinkering with them for years, there’s no no noo way you fixed it”

“Beep! Downloading “echoed the session bot. dr dhay yelled I’m a genus! No I did that! Fred argued. One day later. the session bots were programmed and were charged. Dr dhay said go! Work! They were programmed to set up stuff for each session.

Malfunction, malfunction, malfunction!

It got confused because of the leap year it was going to instead of help it was going to force everything in love, what a major problem.

So dr dhay painted on the door “we were in love here f+d” the bot exploded because it did not know what to do now. “What a great thing you made Fred, you did all of this”sated dr. Dhay Fred argued that it was his idea in the first place.

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