Jack Vs Eggman

Jack rowed the boat as fast he dared. She was in trouble—he sensed it, unsure how. His thoughts propelled him to the expected fork in the river. It was now or never—time to be decisive. Jack veered into the estuary. While quicker, it was dangerous—and the best chance to save his beloved.

He struggled to oppose the current, rowing into the watery mouth, and eventually reaching the hilltop. There he eyed a large pail of water adjacent to a brick wall just a few feet high. Atop it sat two people; Jill, her bare feet and hands tied with rope, and his royal ovalness himself—King Humpty Dumpty.

Neither saw him as he approached, just outside their periphery. He soundlessly grabbed the pail and slipped behind the wall. Then he flung it at Humpty with all his might, scrambling the king before he even hit the ground.

The king’s horses and men nearby tried in vain to restore their leader to his original egg-shaped glory. Jack, successful savior turned snowball, spilled down the hill, the pail bruising his head on their way down. Jill, having also fallen from the wall, tumbled after him.

The End

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