Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

My Father, A Stranger

I remember when I thought you could do no wrong, now I realise all the wrong that you’ve done. You occasionally take me out to an old cafe that I loved as a child , you don’t realise that I’ve grown and no longer like it. You couldn’t tell anyone when I was born, what my middle name is , what my favourite colour is , yet I long for you to be with me , no matter everything you’ve done I still celebrate Father’s Day with a smile on my face as I hand you a gift, because I still have the smallest ounce of hope that you will become that dad I long for so. The dad that takes their child to the park and pushes them on the swing; the dad that cheers their child up when they are ill and always knows what to say when they are upset; the dad that wants to and is proud to be a dad to both his children and not just one. The dad that isn’t just a dad through blood : the dad that isn’t a stranger.

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