In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.
What will you tell them?
There Is No Meaning
I can’t breathe, I actually cannot breathe. I can feel my asthma flaring up, my palms clammy and red. I stand completely still a cold microphone the only thing to hold on to. Dozens of faces glare at me, disappointed, mocking, humiliating. I’m clamping up just like a bivalvia clam, a creature that belongs to the Pelecypoda family and amaiditly shuts its mouth as soon as a predator is in sight, just like someone else I know.
I tap my microphone, “Um…well…hi..” I stutter, my voice shaking, “You see there…there’s been a bit of a…..mix up.” I receive a few disapproving stares and immediately feel as if I’ve said the wrong thing, “The…the..the mix up is, is that well there actually is no meaning of life.” There’s a long pause so I rush to carry on, “I mean what’s the meaning of anything really? We all sit around with our monocles on thinking we’re so clever, we’re so smart, but are we? Let’s ask ourselves some questions, question number one, who created the universe, why are we here, what came first the chicken or the egg? Can anyone answer those questions, huh? The answer is No.
So just like all of you I’m sorry to say I have no clue and will probably never understand the meaning of life. Soz. But what if there is nothing TO understand? We take everything for granted, a sip of water, the smile of the sun and the suttle calmness the night provides us with, the ability to breath, to exist, to live. We’re all just fighting to be the best, to be the cleverest, to know the answers to these questions, but if we just look around us I think we would all learn something new.
If we just stopped thinking about ourselves all the time, stop waiting for that pair of designer shoes to go into the sale, stop trying to loose weight because your body is already stunning, stop trying to impress the people around you, stop trying to fit in and just breath. Just chill. If we take the time to actually look at the life around us, embrace our communities, the beautiful people that live amongst us. If we are kind and understanding, I feel like we will make a lot more progress in answering these big life questions.
I’m sorry to say but the truth is, our world is pretty much broken or braking because we’re all so foolish, so self absorbed, so power hungry. If we can do a little thing each day to fix our world to love and to care, to notice the little things maybe we would understand there is no meaning of life. Because life is not like a book it’s not a collection of letters that everyone reads the same way, because like the stories we find from within books everyone experiences life differently everyone has their own imaginations, their own minds, their own happinesses and sadness, Everyone is fighting their own battle. So I think that we create our own meaning of life through the people we surround ourselves with, how we treat other people, how we treat our earth.
The thing is, life can be as simple as a walk in the park with a friend, or an intake of breath because we are so foolishly lucky. Cant we just realise that? if we just let ourselves live and breath we would find utter peace and content.
We’re not supposed to know everything, we’re just humans we can’t do everything we can’t change time or the universe, we can’t destroy planets or create solar systems, but we can love and I truly believe that the ability to love is the greatest power one can yield. So go grab your sticky-tape and help a fellow human-being fix our world, our life. Breath and just breath again, fill your lungs with air and release, understand how utterly lucky you are to be standing where you are.
Forget the meaning of life, who cares, when you can just go out and live and create your own meaning. Be who you want to be, be greatfull and most importantly love every molecule of your excistance, of the people around you, of the earth and the life that we claim to have a meaning, that we claim is so unfair, the life that we are so ungrateful for. Take a breath and just say thanks, say it to whoever you want, say it to yourself if you have to. Embrace the good times because it’s not always going to be that way, bad things happen, life might get tough but that’s OK because it’s these things that make us stronger and wiser and appreciate the happy days when their here. The light and the shade, the day and the night, the hate and the love.
Because at the end of the day you never know what you truly have until it’s gone.”
A huge wave of applause knocks me of my feet. Wow where did that come from? I guess I had a lot of unsaid things I had to let out. I bow my head as if in prayer, or thanks. And exit the stage, reminding myself to be slightly more kinder, calmer and considerate, after all we’re just people trying our best, trying to be kind, fighting our own battles and loving our brothers and sisters and siblings, loving humanity because it’s so diverse and brilliant, loving ourselves.