Write a blank verse poem on a topic that's important to you.

Blank verse poetry doesn't rhyme, but has a very strict structure which builds a melody through rhythm. (One way to create this is to structure each line with the same amount of syllables, and the same syllabic stresses, like you might if you were writing the verses of a song.)

let yourself.

please just let yourself be.

allow yourself to exist and enjoy it.

go outside, and even more so when it rains.

and when the thunder drains out the clouds

so that the sprinkles become a torrent,

take your hood off and close your eyes,

and let yourself feel.

let yourself feel everything.

let yourself hear the pleading cries of the gutter, as it struggles to keep up with the storm.

then let your foot fall into the puddle it forms, and watch as the water travels up to meet the falling rain once again.

and sure it will pass through the barriers of your shoe, soak up into the confines of your sock,

and show you what cold is once again.

but it doesn’t matter.

existing is learning how to be okay with saying

“i must let myself feel”.

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