Bread & Butter

Brendan sat huddled in the corner, still shivering from the cold he had endured outside to arrive at work at 2 AM. He had switched on all the lights and ovens first after entering. The cosy bakery was not quite so cosy at 2 AM, nor was the life of an apprentice baker, for that matter.

It would not take long, however, for his shivering to stop and the familiar warmth of his cosy little bakery would begin to resemble what most people recognised when they visited him.

Upon entering, his second task was to make hot chocolate, warming his hands around the mug. The steam drifted, warmly brushing his face, and the rich cocoa scent filled his lungs. He took a cautious first sip, checking the temperature. With that, the shivering finally began to ease.

He took a full mouthful of his hot chocolate drink and gulped it down, the warmth now spreading to his belly. Taking another mouthful with his eyes closed, he savoured the taste and the experience of the warmth spreading to every part of his body as he swallowed it down.

The ovens from the bakery had started to warm the entire room, slowly reaching the corner where he sat. The familiar smells of baked goods started wafting towards him. Feeling more comfortable now, he took his jacket off placing it in his backpack. Not before taking out his laptop. He had half an hour before the ovens were ready.

Like every morning, he spent that half an hour learning to hone his skills for his dreams. Not to be a baker, that would just pay the bills in the interim. No, his dream was to be a writer. So every day, for the first half an hour he sat alone in the cosy bakery. He would craft his skills. Before life's demands took over, and he had to start preparing everything for the daily bake.

He fired up his laptop and opened his Daily Prompt writing app. Eagerly awaited what challenge he would face today. The prompt appeared on the screen, causing Brendan to smile a little, and then wonder if someone was watching him.

He glanced around the bakery, its familiar cosiness in full flow. No, he was definitely alone here, chuckling to himself. He re-read the daily prompt.

"Your character is working remotely in a cosy bakery, tucked in the corner with a warm drink and their laptop. Describe the feeling they have.

Try to utilise as many senses as you can to fully immerse the reader in your character's experience."

Without hesitation, Brendan’s fingers began dancing across the keyboard, pausing only for thoughtful sips from his mug. He lost himself in the cadence of typing, of words appearing on the screen, of ideas taking shape in his mind and flowing out of his hands.

And in that quiet corner, as the bakery breathed into life around him, Brendan was, indeed, a writer. Each word he crafted brought him closer to his dream, a reminder that a writer writes, and here he was, fulfilling that simple truth.

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