Submitted by Jules Lee Petrich

The Anti-Hero

Write about a hero that becomes a villain, thinking that they’re not in the wrong.

Radioactive Waste

Its hard when you find out you’re the villain

The deadly poison people should avoid

You thought you were glowing with light

But in reality it was just the radioactive waste that forms your personality

Slowly deteriorating those around you until they are dissolved too

You see him and you pretend to be her

You see her and you pretend to be him

Its all confused now

Who are you and who do you love

Her or him or both or none

Maybe you should just leave already so they can be free

But you know they’re already too far stuck in the quicksands of your affections to escape

You watch them sink deeper and deeper, unaware of the knife hovering centimeters from their back

You wish you could warn them and save them from this tragic fate

But it’s impossible to unlatch the hooks you have secured in their hearts

So you smile

You smile and pretend its all okay

And they smile back

Blind to the black radiating from you that us encroaching into their minds

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