Write a story that contains a typical 'monster' which no one fears.


He hides in the shadows, but no one is scared of him. It’s more of the opposite, the way he cowers away, pulling his claws in at the light of a flashlight. More bark than bite, is one name for it. A mere Halloween decoration some call him, though he is very clearly living and breathing in the same world we are. His chest rises and falls more quickly when he is scared and if you put a hand to his furry chest you could feel his fear with the vibrations of his heart.

Newcomers keep his ego high and natives keep him in check. His appearance scares the regular folk back home, no doubt. Flawless when it comes to the shell, but we’ve all heard in books it’s not what’s on the outside that counts. A kind soul lies beneath all of that thick fur and daring expressions. He really only is a monster because he’s been given that title.

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